Euphrosyne chooses its projects on their relation to textiles, fashion, and similar fields. The goal for each of these ventures is to achieve a more profound understanding that allows for better preservation, promotion, and education of these subjects. The methodology for the majority of our projects consists of three parts:
Scientific Research
Dissemination and Promotion
Through these three steps the thread will be spun from historical research to contemporary applications and valorization.
Research on the projects will involve an interdisciplinary team of specialists in affiliated fields, carefully selected and validated by Euphrosyne. The same applies to collaborations with museums, research institutes, and Universities. Every research project will be conducted under the supervision of one of Euphrosyne’s directors. Furthermore research will be carried out on different many different sources, including literature, iconography, textile tools, textile fragments, techniques, etc.
These scientific research results will lead to a profound understanding by specialists and therefore an improved preservation of the cultural heritage of textiles, fashion, craftsmanship and associated fields. New and improved methods and techniques will be discovered and suggested for the reconstruction and conservation of tools, textiles, clothing, and accessories, thus also allowing for more sustainable production methods.
Every project aims to improve the understanding and usefulness for the greater public of the cultural heritage and knowledge to be gained from textiles and its processes. According to the target audience and the subject of a specific project, appropriate presentation methods will be chosen to illuminate the people; eg. Scientific conferences, workshops, social media, expositions, performances, fashion shows, etc.

The last part of each project will involve the creation of a link between results of historical scientific research and the potential contemporary uses thereof, such as art, theatre, design, fashion, technology, and sustainable development. This leads to a validation of the research’s usefulness to society whilst simultaneously unearthing more of the cultural heritage of textiles, fashion, craftsmanship and associated topics.